3rd Annual SF International Women Entrepreneurs Forum
Gran Canaria Summit 2017

The San Francisco International Women Entrepreneurs Forum serves as a bridge between entrepreneurs from Europe, America and Africa and presents a unique opportunity to support the ecosystem of regional entrepreneurship. It aims to give international visibility to projects and start-ups launched by women, university students and Canarian entrepreneurs, with the support of the Vice-Rector for Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Employment of the ULPGC.

Attendance at the 2-day event is free, but you must register at Eventbrite and take the ticket to reserve a place because seating is limited. Registration Link


10: 30h: Registration

11: 00 h: Welcome: Mr. Rafael Robaina, Rector of the ULPGC, Ms. Rosa Maria Batista Canino, Vice – rector of Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Employment of the ULPGC, Mr. Luis Padrón, General Director of Casa África, and Maica Gil, Founder of the San Francisco International Women Entrepreneurs Forum (SFIWEF).

11: 30h: “Communicate to lead”: María José Bayo, president of the Audiovisual Foundation of Andalusia and counselor at RTVA. Expert in Communication. Specialist in coolhunting, digital marketing and networks. Top 100 Women Leaders with the most talent and projection in Spain. Committee of the initiative “Women Leaders of the Americas”, promoted by the OAS.

12: 00h: “Social Entrepreneurship”: Maica Gil, Founder of the startup Heroikka. Founder of the San Francisco International Women Entrepreneurs Forum (SFIWEF). Director of the California-Spain Chamber of Commerce.

12: 30h: “Canarias Excelencia Tecnológica”: Judit Carrillo, President of the Cluster Canarias Excelencia Tecnológica.

13: 00h : “The challenge of cybersecurity”: Soledad Antelada, Cybersecurity Engineer at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Founder of Girls Can Hack. Named among the 20 most influential Latinos in the technology industry in the US in 2016, by CNET.

13: 30h – 15: 00h: Catering and networking.

15 : 00h – 1 6 : 00h : Round table: “Challenges of female entrepreneurship around the world”:

Moderator: Pino Kyri. International lawyer. Co-founder of Consensus Advokat. Institutional Liason of SFIWEF. Director of Rights and Guarantees of Charter100 GC.


– Patricia Cabrera and Pepi Nuez, Graduates in Business Administration and Management from the ULPGC and founders of the P & P Business Management microenterprise consultancy.

– Naira Regúlez, Founder of Tatoos.com and Community Manager of Asia Gardens, Hendrick’s Spain and Cointreau Spain.

– Diana Bordón, Founder of the startup Facialyogaplan.com.

– Evelyn Viera, university expert in Computer Law and Judicial Expertise. Collaborator in the Hackron 2017 with Enigmasec. Collaborator of the SFIWEF.

– Women Entrepreneurs of Miami, via Skype.

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10: 00h: “Inverse Mentoring”: María Jesús Alonso, Law Degree. President of International Business Women. Adviser to the European Commission in the promotion of women entrepreneurship. Senior Partner at RedQueen Ventures.

10:30 am : “Technological Entrepreneurship in Africa”: Nezha Larhrissi, Founder of eSTEM Morocco. Ambassador of Technovation Challenge and Techgirls. Counselor of the Ministry of the Environment in Morocco.

11: 00h: “Your brain, your biggest ally”: Lidia Monzón, Diploma in Social Graduate. Expert in Higher University Management. ULPGC staff Mentor, Communicator and Writer. Promoter of San Francisco International Women Entrepreneurs Forum.

11: 30h: “The importance of associationism in women”: María Bernarda Barrios, Jurist and President of Charter100 GC.

12: 00h: Breakfast and networking.

12: 30h: “Rising Pixel”: Daniela Arienti, TIC Solutions, Games and Web & App.

13: 00h: “Canary Islands as an interesting ecosystem to promote female entrepreneurship: innovation, digital transformation, talent and companies.”: Sonia Pagés, CEO of Hub For Africa. Director of the Club Canarias en Hora. Collaborator of the Center for Innovation and Business Development of the Canary Islands.

13: 30h: “Personal brand for warrior entrepreneurs”: Davinia de Vidania, Founder of the 4Talent program.

# GCSummit17